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The following videos display some of the work I've done in animation, all being written in C++ with the OpenGL graphics engine.  The first video showcases a behavioral motion control system known as Reynolds flocking aka Boids.  The second video shows a trivial physics engine that I wrote that would simulate spheres bouncing and shooting around.  A simple collision and friction model were used for this simulation.  Next is a display of a system of hierarchical motion control, aka walking.  Finally is a small interface I wrote to show various approximation and interpolation systems.  B splines and Catmull-Rom splines are presented also showing the differences in interpolation between Euler angles and quaternions.

Animation: About
Animation: Videos

All of the code that was written for the above projects are hosted on private Github repos.  I am more than happy to share but keep this code private to prevent any academic plagiarism.

Animation: About
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